The latest set to be released is 21. Deluge to Devolution (1640-1680~). Army lists to covering the armies of the Swedish Deluge, Scanian War, Anglo Dutch, War Anglo French War, War of Devolution and a few more to boot.

Lists Included –
- Brandenburg-Prussia (Elector Frederick William)
- Braganza Portugal (João IV & Afonso VI)
- Hapsburg Spain (Philip IV)
- Principality of Catalonia
- Sweden (Charles X Gustav & Charles XI)
- Denmark (Frederick III)
- The Fronde
- France (Louis XIV)
- Dutch Republic (Grand Pensionary de Witt)
- Spanish Netherlands (Army of Flanders)
- Hapsburg Austria (Ferdinand III & Leopold I)
- Hapsburg Spain (Charles II)
- Denmark (Christian V)
- Brandenburg-Prussian (Elector Frederick William)
- Spanish Netherlands (End of the Army of Flanders)
- Hapsburg Austria (Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor)
- Dutch Republic (William of Orange)
- Sweden (Charles XI)
Now available in the web store